2016 Vintage Photo Competition
Hold on to your pants everybody! The Annual Vintage Photo Competition is on again. Get your camera at the ready and be sure to wear a smile all day long, as you just never know when you might be the target. See below for instructions on how to enter.
- Email us your photo to admin(at)WineIndustryJobs.com.au with the photo theme of the week in the subject heading and your photo attached including your postal address (just in case you are the weeks' winner).
- Post it to our Facebook Page
- Tweet it using the hashtag #V16PhotoComp
- All entries must be received by 5pm on Monday each week
- No limit to the number of entries per person
WEEK 1 - Open Class
This weeks' photo theme is completely Open Class. Be as original, wacky, stupid artistic or extravagant as you like.
"Shiraz on the Crush Pad"
by Petrina O'Dea, Windowrie Wines
WEEK 2 - Vintage Lunch
This weeks' photo theme is Vintage Lunch. Let's see what the wineries are feeding you.
"After a hard (and hot) mornings picking......."
by Stella Scanlon, Majella Wines
WEEK 3 & 4 - Rossi Boots and the Winery Dog
This weeks' photo theme is Rossi Boots and the Winery Dog...say no more!
"This is Daisy. She is 8 months old and is fortunate enough to be one of the Stella Bella winery dogs" by Colin Fox, Stella Bella
"Howdy, Had some fun today with Benny the vineyard/winery hound.
Marcus Schulz vineyard, Kalimna area, Barossa Valley North.
Taken by Neville Falkenberg, consultant winemaker for Schulz Wines.
90 year old shiraz vines getting handpicked.
Marcus has Rossi boots that must be 10 years old.
Neville Falkenberg"
WEEK 5 - Rossi Boots and Machinery
This weeks' photo theme is Rossi Boots and Machinery
"These are my very well used Rossi's beside my Vintage 1910 French Corking Machine"
Best, Eamon Parker, Grapegrower
(Ed's Note: 1910 was the year Rossiter Boots, now known as Rossi Boots was first incorporated)
WEEK 6 - Rossi Boots and Smiles
This weeks' photo theme is Rossi Boots and Smiles
I couldn't resist posting this one. A great vintage.
Ciao, Paul Gardner
WEEK 7 - Rossi Boots at Work or Play
This weeks' photo theme is Rossi Boots at Work or Play
"Rossi boots can double as footy boots when you're waiting for the end of the press cycle. At Moss Wood Wines, Margaret River."
Simon Nankivell
Congratulations to all the winners, your spanking shiny new pair of Rossi Boots will be on their way this week.