University of Adelaide - AUSTRALIA

The University of Adelaide - AUSTRALIA

Established in 1874, the University of Adelaide is one of Australia's oldest and most prestigious universities and is widely recognised as the centre of academic learning in South Australia.

Nestled in the foothills of Adelaide is the renowned Waite campus, an agricultural research and development centre, which incorporates the Hickinbotham-Roseworthy Wine Science laboratory, the Waite Sensory Evaluation Laboratory and the Coombe Vineyard.

Studying on a campus where oenology, viticulture and wine marketing are all taught, where grapes are grown in a commercial vineyard, and where a fully equipped winery and wine science laboratory are also located, provides a truly special environment where the learning experience is world class and totally focussed on all aspects of the industry.

The University of Adelaide of both undergraduate and postgraduate training in wine related industries, these include : 

Undergraduate courses
Bachelor of Science (Viticulture)
Bachelor of Oenology
Bachelor of Wine Marketing 

Postgraduate courses
Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Oenology
Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Viticulture
Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Master of Wine Business 

Further details on these can be found on :

Bachelor of Science (Viticulture)/Bachelor of Oenology

The Bachelor of Science (Viticulture) is the entry point for both the Viticulture (study of vines and grape production) and Oenology (wine making) programs which share common first and second year levels. The first year level teaches the basic sciences and the foundations of wine science at the North Terrace campus and the National Wine Centre. In second year level the emphasis is on the scientific and technological aspects of winemaking and viticulture, with courses taught in the winery at the Waite campus.

Students wishing to complete a Bachelor of Science (viticulture) undertake a third year level majoring in advanced viticulture technology and management practices, which includes ten weeks experience in the viticulture industry. Students wishing to major in oenology apply to enter the Bachelor of Oenology at the end of the second year level. This program requires a further two year levels of study on all aspects of wine production, including ten weeks of practical experience in the wine industry during a vintage period.

Bachelor of Wine Marketing

This is a strong marketing and business degree with courses in areas related to the wine industry. Students gain an understanding of legal issues, advertising and promotion, consumer behaviour, accounting and finance, retailing, global trends, wine tourism, vineyard and winery operations, and the sensory evaluation of wine and food products. Electives allow students to specialise in market analysis, national and international marketing, advertising and promotion, finance, consumer behaviour and management.

For further information on any of these programs please contact :

School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Student Centre
PMB 1, Glen Osmond, SA 5064 Australia
Telephone : +61 8 8303 7105
Facsimile : + 61 8 8303 7291
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